
My Journey as a Web Developer

All the HTTP Status Codes You Need To Know


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HTTP status codes, those three-digit numbers that accompany every web request and response, are the silent messengers of the internet. As of writing this, I believe there are over 60 status codes. In this guide, we'll go through some of the most important HTTP status codes, exploring why they are crucial to know and their significance in the realm of web development.

The Importance of HTTP Status Codes

HTTP status codes are pivotal in communication between web servers and clients. They convey vital information about the outcome of a request and the state of web resources. Here's why knowing them is paramount.

1. Effective Troubleshooting

HTTP status codes serve as beacons when things go awry. Encountering a "404 Not Found" indicates a missing resource, while a "500 Internal Server Error" hints at server-side issues. These codes offer valuable clues for debugging and issue resolution, helping developers identify and address problems efficiently.

2. Enhancing User Experience

Smooth user experiences are non-negotiable. HTTP status codes ensure that. A "200 OK" code signifies a successful request, while a "301 Moved Permanently" redirects users seamlessly. On the flip side, a "401 Unauthorized" prevents unauthorized access and that's vital too. Employing the right code ensures users interact with your application as intended, reducing frustration and enhancing satisfaction. Sending back the right code, allows you to properly handle and generate a specific message to the client.

3. Boosting SEO

Search engines crawl the web incessantly, and they pay close attention to HTTP status codes. A "301 Moved Permanently" tells search engines to update their records, preserving SEO ranking. Conversely, improper codes can lead to ranking penalties. Correctly implementing these codes can significantly impact a website's visibility and discoverability.

A Closer Look: Important HTTP Status Codes

Now, let's explore some crucial HTTP status codes and their meanings.

- 200 OK

The "200 OK" code is the digital equivalent of a green light. It signifies a successful request, indicating that the server has fulfilled the request entirely.

- 201 Created

This code celebrates the birth of something new. It tells you that your request has resulted in the creation of a resource, such as when submitting a form to create a user account.

- 204 No Content

It's like a friendly nod from the server, acknowledging your request. However, it doesn't send any data back in the response body, making it useful for non-data-altering requests. We see this frequently with DELETE requests.

- 301 Moved Permanently

This code indicates that the requested resource has moved to a new URL permanently. Search engines love it because they update their indexes accordingly.

- 304 Not Modified

This status code indicates that the client's cached copy of a resource is still valid and hasn't changed since it was last requested. As a result, the server instructs the client to use its cached version, reducing bandwidth usage and improving loading times.

- 308 Permanent Redirect

The 308 status code is similar to the "301 Moved Permanently." It indicates that the requested resource has permanently moved to a new URL. The difference being that the user agent must not change the HTTP method used.

- 400 Bad Request

A "400 Bad Request" suggests that the client's request is flawed in some way, such as missing required parameters or incorrect data formats. It's pretty generic, so let's see if there is something more specific we can pass.

- 401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized access is a no-go, and this code firmly asserts that. It requires the user to authenticate before proceeding. Maybe '401 Unauthenticated' then?

- 403 Forbidden

Similar to "401," but this code indicates that even with authentication, access is still forbidden. This could be if you don't have the right user role.

- 404 Not Found

A familiar code; it signifies that the requested resource couldn't be located on the server. It's a classic "page not found" message.

- 429 Too Many Requests

The "429 Too Many Requests" status code signifies that the user or client has exceeded the rate limit for making requests to the server. It's often used as a protective measure to prevent abuse or overloading of the server.

- 500 Internal Server Error

Another generic code that implies something went wrong on the server. It's the catch-all code when the server can't pinpoint the exact issue.

- 503 Service Unavailable

This code communicates that the server is currently unable to handle the request due to maintenance or overload. It's a polite way of saying, "Try again later."

Using HTTP Status Codes Effectively

So now that we have brushed up on our HTTP status codes, here are some tips for using them effectively.

1. Choose Wisely: Select the most appropriate status code for each situation. Accuracy ensures clarity. If you forget in the moment, make the effort to look it up, it'll make debugging that bit easier.

2. Provide Context: Include additional information in the response body to help clients understand the situation better. Utilize that knowledge and remember they don't know what a '403' is.

3. Consistency Matters: Maintain a consistent approach to status codes throughout your application. It makes debugging easier.


HTTP status codes are not mere numbers; they're your allies in the world of web development. By understanding their significance and using them effectively, you can create smoother, more reliable, and user-friendly web experiences.

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